Tuesday, June 10, 2008


So, as I may have told most of you, this year I'm going to try square foot gardening. Here's how they look so far...

They look all well and good from about this distance until you get down closer. This is what I found this morning when checking for damage from the rain...
There seems to be some sort of insect devouring my plants...all of this damage happened in just one day. They were gorgeous on sunday and now i'm a little worried. I looked around in the plants for a bug that might be just hanging out but I found nothing. I did walk past this HUGE ant infestation in the lawn about 2 feet from my boxes...

It's about 2 feet across and full of ants. Do they eat plants? I planted the marigolds to keep animals away but I think the rabbits are the least of my worries at the moment...

I'm really not wanting to powder my garden with poison. Any ideas?

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