Thursday, March 19, 2009

Chicken transfer...

The Terpstra Family chickens have moved...below is a little note from Ethan...

Your 3 hens sunbathing by the pool. What a life

Here are your Mottled Cochins. My brother David has named them Laurel and Hardy. The family thinks they are hilarious and love them.

We considered naming the Egyptian Fayoumi, "Cain," since he killed his brother, but went with "Ra," instead. Ra is an ancient Egyptian sun god. He has been a good boy since I put him with the goats. I will give him a few Phoenix hens to see what the chicks look like. He is terrified of my roosters. This is his "before" picture, as I hope to restore him to his former glory, complete with new tail.

This post is mainly for my little bro...

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